Here's how to participate in policy

This is a forum to share and discuss policy ideas that help reach the vision by 2030.
  1. Use the "like/dislike" buttons to express approval or disapproval of each policy proposal.
  2. Read other peoples' comments. Give thumbs up to comments that you agree with.
  3. Use the comment features to make specific suggestions. Please be respectful.
  4. You can submit new policy ideas in our policy submission form or in the comment space at the bottom of this page.

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Afforestation (Tree Planting) Campaign

The County leads a process to identify all available land for reforestation or new tree planting and coordinate an extensive planting effort.

Jurisdiction (Who can make the decision?)
City/town councils

Equity considerations

Scale of Greenhouse Gas reductions


Cost considerations

Where it has been tried
Local example: TBD

Other examples: TBD

Imagine it:
Volunteer and paid youth crews began planting on public land in partnership with various public agencies and non-profits. The County uses local dollars to leverage state funds to provide forestation grants to private landowners. Crews plants over 3 million trees across more than 10,000 acres over three years. A backyard tree planting campaign adds another 50,000 trees and the county's nine towns and cities plant 500,000 new trees along 5,000 streets.


More policies coming soon...

What are your Farms & Forests policy ideas?  

Share your policy ideas by submitting a comment using the form below. Please try to suggest policies that: 1) can be implemented at the local level; 2) have potential greenhouse gas emission reductions; and 3) benefit all community members, with priority given to the most vulnerable among us. You are also welcome to submit your policy idea in our brief policy submission form.