Urban Land Use » Return to full urban vision

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Urban spaces that integrate with nature. This will include:

  • Less asphalt and more permeable, green ground cover;
  • Tree-lined streets for shade and summer cooling;
  • Easily accessible parks and open spaces within a 10-minute walk of all homes, in all neighborhoods;
  • Urban creeks and waterways open and available to the people for play, exploration, shade, and solace.

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Comments (2)

Posted by Kevin Anderson(Santa Rosa)

Daylight all creeks and waterways. Santa Rosa City Hall is a prime candidate as this could be a major attraction right in downtown. In order to make creek paths and waterways popular they must be continuous and accessible.

Posted by Edward Meisse(Santa Rosa)

When people talk about bicycle and walking paths for the immediate future, the thing that comes to mind for me is opening the gates to our creek paths and building access ramps where needed. We would also need to have crosswalks at many streets. But once we eliminate the cars from our city limits, that won't be a problem.

Return to full urban vision