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More locally-produced energy of all sorts: solar photovoltaic on roofs, over parking lots, etc, and wind, small-scale hydro, and tidal/wave generators in appropriate locations.
Comments (3)
Tidal Wave Generators can be amazing. This should be perfected. At the coast it can be combined with desalinators of the electric kind as well as the vacuum piston kind.
This salty broth can be used for specific purposes which need to be developed. The first strong need is capturing the available energy and all will follow.
Large solar installations belong on large buildings, over parking lots, and even over roads in some places. Energy should be generated close to where it is being used, not in remote rural areas or covering soil that could be capturing carbon.
Yes, absolutely. Lots of incentives for rooftop solar AND for conserving energy in the first place! Just no forest-based woody biomass which is not clean, carbon neutral or renewable.