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Green roofs and green walls that help cool cities, beautify the skyline, and capture carbon.

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Posted by Wendy Krupnick(Santa Rosa)

I have heard that white roofs to reflect heat, or roofs with solar panels on them, could be better in most situations than roofs with plants growing on them. Roofs for plants need more investment for the weight and moisture-proofing and need more maintenance than other roofing materials. My roof got a white coating a few years ago and I immediately felt the difference on hot days.

Posted by Dr. Dan Levitis(Boyes)

Building green roofs and walls that don't consume a lot of water and also aren't a fire risk is a significant challenge. In a fire environment like this, I would be reluctant to let any thing grow on my roof.

Posted by Vito(Santa Rosa)

This is a wonderful idea! I would be interested in seeing how this idea can be incorporated with the alternate housing solutions idea!

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