The first visioning session closed on Earth Day, April 22, 2021. You are still welcome to add more comments. Edits to the vision are underway and will be followed by another visioning period.
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Why do we care about transportation?
Transportation refers to how we move ourselves and our stuff around. Countywide, transportation is responsible for the biggest chunk (60%) of our "activity-based" emissions. It also has a large impact on our daily lives. Let's imagine transportation systems that are clean, affordable, safe, equitable for all members of our community -- and fun!
Sebastopol berry pickers, 1909 (Sonoma Heritage Collection - Sonoma County Library)
Four or five generations ago, around 1900, people and things moved on the county's roads on foot and by horse. Traffic moved at a pedestrian pace. And we didn't have traffic problems, highway fatalities, and photochemical smog.
As our county has sprawled, we've become more and more dependent on our gasoline- and diesel-fueled cars, trucks, and SUVs to more us around, yet 60% of all trips are shorter than 5 miles. And owning a car is expensive: according to AAA, "...In 2016, the average cost of owning and operating an average sedan costs $8,558 per year."
A zero-emissions, clean-air transportation system that supports a healthy planet and healthy people. Infrastructure will include new bikeways, charging stations, bus rapid transit stations and many more simple yet effective innovations.
Affordable (or free) transportation for all. Everyone should be able to move around for their basic living needs, regardless of how much money they have. It is a fundamental right.
Ease of getting around without a car, within a system that is safe, comfortable, simple, efficient and available to all people regardless of socioeconomic status, race or ability.
An integrated public transit system that connects all the places people need to go (residential neighborhoods, downtown, schools, playing fields, libraries, parks, shopping areas, business zones, etc.) so that people of all ages and abilities can easily get around town without the need to own their own car.
Streets for people. Before the automobile, traffic moved at a pedestrian pace. Streets were places where people walked, biked, encountered one another, even played and gathered. Imagine cars and trucks as guests on streets for people!
Streets for people are designed for active transportation, including heavily-used dedicated/protected bike paths, bike lanes, and bike streets.
A complete network of (intercity and intracity) bike lanes and bike paths that connects all the places people need to go (residential neighborhoods, downtown, schools, playing fields, libraries, parks, shopping areas, business zones, cities and towns, etc.) so that people of all ages and abilities can easily get around without the need to own their own car.
A culture that supports active transportation, including fun and community-oriented events--such as car-free Bike Sundays, bike parties, and other walk-n-roll events.
This will be sustained by a transportation system that encourages and allows social interaction. All the studies tell us that happiness correlates with social interaction. Cars isolate us.
You can suggest new vision items by submitting a comment using the form below. Other people will be able to vote for your idea and/or comment with suggested edits or questions. You are also welcome to email us your vision in whatever form you prefer (writing, drawing, poem, video, story, etc.)