Translation / Traducción

Imagine it's the year 2030, and Sonoma County has transformed its cities, towns, working lands, transport systems, energy and food production to meet the challenge of the climate crisis. We’ve also put Covid-19, homelessness, lack of affordable housing, racial inequity, and inadequate mental health services in the rearview mirror.

Now, rewind to the present. We need to start with a new vision of an equitable, resilient, zero-carbon Sonoma County in 2030 that works for all. We need bold, immediate actions. The purpose of this project is to encourage all members of our diverse communities to imagine that crowd-sourced vision for 2030, bring that vision to life with sketches, and to identify and advance the policy proposals that will get us there. To change everything, we need everybody!

Start with the Vision , allowing yourself to dream big. Then dig into Policy and consider solutions that can be implemented locally. Move to the Sketches to get inspired and color outside the lines.

About Imagine
Sonoma County

Imagine Sonoma County invites all members of our diverse community to collaborate in creating a zero-carbon Sonoma County by 2030. Start with the Vision section, allowing yourself to color outside the lines. Next, you can dig into the Policy section and consider policies and actions that can be implemented at the City and County level. Get some inspiration from the Sketches and Animations.

What's up with
the Climate Crisis?

We used to call it “climate change.” We now know that it’s a climate crisis, the result of dumping ever-increasing heat-trapping gases into the atmosphere. To stabilize the Earth’s climate, we must get these emissions down to zero as quickly as possible and then continue removing excess CO2 until we reach safe, pre-industrial levels. Getting there requires that we re-imagine every aspect of our lives. (For more, visit Climate Change 101.)

North Dutton Ave, Santa Rosa (Road Diet)